Network Security Management is Critical to Business Success

Layers of Defense

No matter the size of your business, it is important to take a layered approach to cybersecurity. Networks, like cakes (or onions), have layers. Each layer represents a potential vulnerability to your business. For example, the Human Layer is where your employees represent (either by ignorance or maleficence) a significant threat to your company data. The Perimeter Layer is what stands between your business data and the outside world. Think of it as the moat or wall around the castle. The Endpoint Layer protects your data from threats that have scaled the wall and made it into the compound.

These layers are only a few examples of vulnerabilities your company faces without proper network security and illustrate how taking a layered approach to network security can best secure your business. Partner Systems, a cybersecurity service provider, takes the time to first understand your business and how your company accesses and uses its data. From there, our cybersecurity company in Phoenix, AZ can develop a customized solution that makes the most sense for your business.

Keeping Up with the Latest Threats

There is a night-and-day difference in security threats today from what was seen even just a couple of years ago, and that makes cybersecurity management a must for your business. Partner Systems, the most trusted network security service provider, is constantly monitoring the latest threat landscape to ensure our cybersecurity service providers are deploying tools and resources that best protect your business. For example, enhancements in perimeter and endpoint protection now leverage AI and deep learning methodologies to identify and protect your business from both known and unknown threats. Using these technologies to identify unusual and unexpected behavior allows our cybersecurity company to respond sooner and more decisively than previous methods of protection.

Get Tested

Testing your network against potential vulnerabilities can give you peace of mind, knowing that your business is protected. Our cybersecurity company not only offers reliable Network Security Services, but also a variety of evaluations to gain insight into where your network might be vulnerable. Click here to sign up today for a free cybersecurity assessment. Knowing your weak points is the first step to understanding where you need to focus your resources, and as a trusted network security service provider, we can help you with this task.

Employee Training

Employee training is a key component of any comprehensive cybersecurity plan. Unfortunately, the weakest link is often the human link. For example, training your employees on how to recognize phishing emails can go a long way in protecting your data. Along with quality Network Security Services, Partner Systems also offers a variety of cybersecurity training options to best meet the needs of your employees.

Did You Know: 62% of small businesses reported experiencing a data breach in the previous 12 months (Sophos, 2021).

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Quality IT services and support are necessary for the success and growth of every business.
Partner Systems is your Number One choice for outsourced IT in Phoenix, AZ.